





タリタクム日本運営委員長 Sr. 弘田しずえ


開会の挨拶と祈り:  山野内倫昭司教(難民移住移動者委員会(J-CaRM)委員長)

講演と質疑応答:   「難民を歓迎できる社会に~アルぺ難民センターの取り組みから」


閉会の挨拶と祈り:   シスター弘田しずえ(タリタクム運営委員長)

We will hold Talitha Kum Japan Online Seminar on Nov 4 (Sat) from 14:00PM to 16:00PM.
Its theme is “Toward a Society that Welcomes Refugees – From the Efforts of Arrupe Refugee Center”.
Japanese/English interpretation available
There are 110 million refugees in the world (UNHCR, June 2023). More than 10,000 people come to Japan each year seeking asylum, but only few are granted refugee status. The application process for refugee status takes several years, and support from the Japanese government is limited.

In this seminar, we would like to learn about the situation of refugees in Japan through the activities of Arrupe Refugee Center, which has been supporting refugees since April 2020 by using the S.J. Martyrs of Japan Monastery in Kamakura as shelter and base of its activities. Learning from what they are doing and the condition of refugees, let’s think together how the Catholic Church could be involved effectively in the future. We are looking forward to your participation. Please join us!

Please register beforehand from this link.  Zoom link will be sent later.

Chairperson of Talitha Kum Japan:  Sr. Filo Shizue Hirota